Wednesday, December 08, 2004

John Lennon's 64

John Lennon would have been 64 today if he had not been shot. Imagine how the world of music would have been if those three shots had not been fired that fateful night. What more would have Lennon given to the world and the world to Lennon. The world has been poorer as a result of those shots.
The world remembers Lennon today. For what some people can remember of that day, click here.
What did i remember of that day, i recall that i was then secluded in some place in the rural area working but we had TV and the radio for company. A crying collegue came to inform me of Lennon's death/murder and that night we sat down to listen to Lennon's and the Beatles' songs all night long. The next day, we almost didn't make it to work.

Links remembering Lennon ::

Imagine a world having 24 more years of John Lennon!